Curriculum Vitae

Contact Details

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Work Experience

since 2017 Equity Derivatives Desk Quant at IMC Financial Markets, Amsterdam
2013 – 2017 Equity Derivatives Desk Quant, Director at Commerzbank AG, Corporates & Markets, Frankfurt am Main

  • development of a new pricing library for the flow trading business in C++
  • modelling of business time for implied volatility surface interpolation and evolution
  • explicit valuation of the gap risk in turbo certificates
  • automated implied volatility smile and surface calibration
  • pricing of crash cliquet put options using tempered stable Levy model
  • calibrating the implied jump size distribution around corporate earnings announcements
2006 – 2009 Equity Derivatives Trader, Vice President at Commerzbank AG, Corporates & Markets, Frankfurt am Main
2006 Internship Asset Management, IT Development at Commerzbank Asset Management Asia, Singapore
2003 – 2005 Traineeship Equity Derivatives at Commerzbank AG, Corporates & Markets, Frankfurt am Main


2010 – 2013 Ph.D. in Finance at University of New South Wales, Sydney

  • Ph.D. thesis: “Characterizations of and Closed-Form Solutions for Plain Vanilla and Exotic Derivatives”
  • 7 Ph.D. level courses in Finance and Economics and 5 M.Sc. in Financial Mathematics – average score 90%
  • doctoral advisors: Prof. Dr. David Feldman, Dr. Dr. David Colwell
2012 Ph.D. Exchange in Finance at University of Zürich, Zürich
2008 – 2009 M.Sc. in Quantitative Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt am Main

  • M.Sc. thesis: “Pricing and Hedging of Equity Derivatives under Volatility Smile Consistent Underlying Dynamics”
  • supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup
2003 – 2007 B.B.A. in Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt am Main

  • B.B.A. thesis: “Option Pricing Assuming Non-Gaussian Yield Distributions and Effects on the Implied Volatility Smile”
  • supervisors: Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup, Prof. Dr. Martin Hellmich
2005 Undergraduate Exchange in Economics at University of California, Santa Barbara


Research Papers

Conference and Seminar Presentations

  • 9th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, July 2016, New York
  • 2014 FMA European Conference, June 2014, Maastricht
  • 8th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, June 2014, Brussels
  • 17th Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, April 2014, Zürich
  • 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association, April 2014, Pittsburgh (by co-author)
  • 11th German Probability and Statistics Days, March 2014, Ulm
  • Southwestern Finance Association 2014 Annual Conference, March 2014, Dallas
  • Advances in Computational Economics and Finance, March 2014, Zürich (by co-author)
  • Institute for Banking & Finance Brown Bag Seminar, University of Zürich, March 2014, Zürich (by co-author)
  • 26th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, December 2013, Sydney (by co-author)
  • School of Banking & Finance Brown Bag Seminar, University of New South Wales, April 2013, Sydney

Awards and Scholarships

  • The Chicago Trading Company Outstanding Paper in Derivatives Award, 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association, 2014
  • Practicum Ph.D. Exchange Scholarship, University of New South Wales, 2012
  • Ph.D. Living Allowance Scholarship, University of New South Wales, 2010
  • Tuition Fee Remission Scholarship, University of New South Wales, 2010

Teaching Experience

School of Banking & Finance, University of New South Wales
2010, 2011 FINS3636 – Interest Rate Risk Management, undergraduate, tutor
2011, 2012, 2013 FINS3635 – Options, Futures and Risk Management, undergraduate, tutor
2011, 2012 FINS5591 – Continuous Time Finance, postgraduate, tutor
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 MFIN6216 – Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, postgraduate, teaching assistant
2011, 2012, 2013 FINS5576 – Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing, postgraduate, teaching assistant
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
2006 Mathematics I – Tutor

Postgraduate Coursework

University of New South Wales:
Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing (Ph.D.), Computational Methods for Finance (M.Sc.), Continuous Time Finance (Ph.D.), Continuous Time Financial Modelling (M.Sc.), Contract Theory and Corporate Finance (Ph.D.), Discrete Time Financial Modelling (M.Sc.), Econometric Analysis (Ph.D.), Financial Decision Making under Uncertainty (Ph.D.), Microecononomic Analysis (Ph.D.), Stochastic Processes (M.Sc.), Term Structure Modelling (M.Sc.)

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management:
Advanced Stochastic Processes and Arbitrage Theory (M.Sc.), Exotics and Structured Products (M.Sc.), Finance Theory (M.Sc.), Financial Instruments (M.Sc.), Interest Rate Models & Products (M.Sc.), Introduction to Stochastic Processes (M.Sc.), Numerical Methods for Finance (M.Sc.), Option Pricing – Theory and Practice (M.Sc.), Programming I (M.Sc.), Programming II (M.Sc.), Statistics (M.Sc.)

Miscellaneous Certifications & Trainings

  • Directive Based GPU Programming: OpenACC and OpenMP, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, May 2017
  • Advanced C++ for High Performance Computing, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, September 2016
  • C++ Certification, Master Level (96% Percentile), Brainbench, June 2015
  • Programmer/Analyst Aptitude Certification, Master Level (99% Percentile), Brainbencch, June 2015
  • Machine Learning Course, Coursera, August 2013
  • XETRA Trader Examination, August 2006
  • Eurex Trader Examination, July 2006
  • Introduction to Monte Carlo and C++ in Financial Engineering Seminar, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, July 2005

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